Classes and Education

SCSA offers classes on a variety of firearms topics and training throughout the year. SCSA has a knowledgeable core group of instructors, RSOs, and community volunteers that generously provide their skillsets for instruction within these classes.
Specific class and training dates are presented on the SCSA Calendar.
Individual details and contact information for educational opportunities are provided in the course descriptions below. If you are interested in one or multiple classes offered, fill out the Information Request form at the bottom of this page and mention all class interests in your message. SCSA will reply to you as soon as possible.
- Tactical Tuesdays at the Pistol Pit Complex are running through September. Check the Calendar and see below.
- NRA Basic Pistol Class: August 31, 2024 (see below).
- Appleseed Marksmanship Clinic: August 17 and 18, 2024 (see below).
SCSA Tactical/Practical Tuesdays
Tactical/Practical Tuesdays are a friendly environment where all aspects and topics of firearms and firearm use are discussed and applied in live shooting applications. Emphasis is on developing defensive skill sets with both handguns and carbines.
Tactical/Practical Tuesday may include classroom lectures, videos, and specific shooting training and drills, or both. Wintertime events are usually presented in the SCSA Clubhouse and Indoor Range. The Indoor Range lends itself well to low-light and no-light firearms technique training, both handheld and weapon mounted tactical lights. Once the weather improves the events are typically held at the SCSA Pistol Pit Complex.
This activity runs Tuesday evenings from February through September. Specific times vary, see scheduling on the SCSA Calendar.
For additional information contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting
This course is designed for any student, especially those who have never fired a handgun before, teaching them proper handgun usage with an emphasis on firearm safety.
During this one-day course you will learn about the primary types of pistols, shooting positions, and the shooting fundamentals, and shoot a qualification target using a 22 rimfire pistol. Pistols and ammunition are supplied by SCSA if needed. If you are a seasoned shooter, don’t let the "Basic" part keep you from taking this pistol class. Everyone including the instructors learns something at each class. Here at SCSA we have a great bunch of instructors, both ladies and gentlemen, and our goal is the success of the students.
This class is offered several times a year. Registration is through the NRA website and links will be provided by SCSA for each class.
For additional information and upcoming Basic Pistol class opportunities contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
This course includes both classroom instruction and a live fire course with a centerfire handgun (9mm minimum caliber). Students must provide their own handgun, holster, and ammunition. The class takes 2 days and at least 150 rounds of ammunition (200 rounds is recommended). Safety is stressed, along with drawing from concealment, malfunction remediation, and being mentally prepared. Students engage targets over a course of fire to teach and hone defensive shooting skills.
Worth the price of admission is a talk given by local law enforcement and legal counsel on Use of Force Encounters. This is the next step in responsibly carrying a concealed firearm.
This class is offered several times a year. Registration is through the NRA website and links will be provided by SCSA for each class.
For additional information and upcoming CCW class opportunities contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
NRA Range Safety Officer
This course is a one-day course to teach the principles of being a Range Safety Officer (RSO). When successfully completed this class, along with a successful interview with the SCSA Chief Range Safety Officers (CRSOs), will qualify attendees to become an SCSA RSO.
Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO, Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), range inspection, range rules, range briefings, emergency procedures, and firearm stoppages and malfunctions.
This class is offered by SCSA approximately once a year, dependent on demand. Registration is through the NRA website and links will be provided by SCSA for each class.
For additional information and upcoming RSO class opportunities contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page or talk with the SCSA CRSOs.
NRA Women on Target
SCSA supports the NRA Women on Target (WOT) program and offers WOT seminars and activities. These, for women only, instructional shooting clinics are designed to teach firearm safety and the fundamentals of marksmanship, giving confidence needed to safely handle and operate a firearm upon completion.
These events are offered several times a year. Registration is through the NRA website and links will be provided by SCSA for each class. See the Women’s Activities page and SCSA Calendar for these and other similar upcoming events.
For additional information and upcoming WOT class opportunities contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
NRA Instructor Training
SCSA is always interested in expanding our instructor core and offers NRA Instructor training courses occasionally as demand dictates. Periodic Basic Instructor Training is a requirement to maintain NRA Instructor certification.
Successful completion of classes to be taught is required as a prerequisite to enter Instructor training for those classes.
If you are interested in becoming a firearms instructor or assisting with firearms training at SCSA contact us. For additional information and upcoming instructor class opportunities contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
Appleseed Marksmanship Clinics
Appleseed events are typically two-day programs that teach the rifle marksmanship skills that were once commonly practiced in America. Instructors teach the skills that will one day allow a rifleman to be accurate out to 500 yards. This distance is known as the traditional “Rifleman’s Quarter Mile” and has been part of America’s marksmanship repertoire since our country’s earliest days.
During breaks, you’ll hear the true story of the earliest days of our nation, including the detailed events of April 19, 1775. You may be surprised by what you hear.
Whether you’ve never fired a rifle before or you’re already a competitive shooter, no one who comes to a Project Appleseed event ever leaves the same. The new skills, history, and friendships are inspiring and life changing.
Appleseed events are offered at SCSA several times a year. Registration is through the Project Appleseed website. For additional information on upcoming Appleseed events at SCSA contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
Hunter Education Training
SCSA provides a venue for Hunter Education Training Seminars and Field Days.
The major purpose of Hunter Education programs is the prevention of hunting and firearm related accidents. Emphasis is also placed on improving knowledge about the heritage of hunting. The importance of the young hunter developing a sense of ethics and responsibility is stressed.
Hunter Education courses in Wyoming are sponsored by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. In Wyoming, there are over 350 volunteer instructors, training over 5,000 Hunter Education graduates each year. These volunteers donate their time, ability, and effort to share their knowledge and experience with students.
Hunter Education support events may be conducted several times a year at SCSA and will be posted on the SCSA Calendar. For additional information on Hunter Education events at SCSA contact SCSA Education using the link at the bottom of this page.
SCSA Instructors have the ability to offer several other NRA classes and may do so if enough interest is shown. Some additional classes that may be considered are:
Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading
Basic Personal Protection in the Home
Basic Personal Protection Outside the Home
Basic Rifle Shooting
Home Firearm Safety
Defensive Pistol
Please use the link below to contact SCSA Education for more information on, or questions about, any of our classes and educational opportunities.