Sheridan Practical Shooters, USPSA

Sheridan Practical Shooters is SCSA’s USPSA affiliated action pistol and multigun group. Matches are held year-round and include USPSA Classifier, Pistol, Multigun, and Steel Challenge events. Match registration is through the Sheridan Practical Shooters page on the Practiscore website. To reach the Sheridan Practical Shooters Practiscore page click the button below; you will need to register for a free Practiscore account if you don’t already have one. Once on the Sheridan Practical Shooters Practiscore site you will be able to see all upcoming matches and dates as well as review your completed match scores and rankings among all competitor’s results.

- CANCELLED for weather! January 25, 2025, 3-Stage USPSA Classifier Match.
- February 22, 2025, 3-Stage USPSA Classifier Match.
- March 22, 2025, 3-Stage USPSA Classifier Match.
- April 26, 2025, 4-Stage USPSA Match.
- May 24, 2025, 4-Stage USPSA Match.
- June 28, 2025, 4-Stage USPSA Match.

Thank You ROCKY MOUNTAIN DISCOUNT SPORTS (Sheridan) for providing Gift Card prizes for 2024 match events! Stop in and thank them for their support!

We welcome shooters of all skill levels. We run all matches according to the USPSA rules and expect shooters to familiarize themselves with the basics. If you are not USPSA classified in at least one division or have not shot with us before, you will be required to attend a brief orientation prior to your first match with us. Details specific to each match can be found in the match descriptions on the Sheridan Practical Shooters Practiscore site.

If after reading above and clicking the links, you still have questions about USPSA activities at SCSA, or you just want to be added to our match information mailing list, contact us here:

Specific events and dates are presented on the SCSA Calendar.

Looking for more relatively local match time and variety? Check out the opportunities with our friends at
Buffalo Action Shooters
and Buffalo ICORE.