Women’s Activities

SCSA offers a variety of women’s shooting and educational opportunities. Our Women’s Activities Director helps to plan and organize events year-round that are tailored to a welcome and relaxed environment for women of all skill levels. Specific events and dates are presented on the SCSA Calendar.
To email the Women’s Activities Director for information use this link:
The Women’s Activities program strives to introduce women to recreational shooting, safe gun handling techniques, and fundamentals of marksmanship. Participants are given the opportunity to demonstrate what they are taught in our classroom on our gun ranges.
A goal of the program is to increase women participating in the shooting sports and who understand and use guns responsibly for benefits that reach beyond just themselves. We believe when you involve women, you involve their families because they’re going to learn about home defense, personal protection, and they’re going to learn recreational shooting and competition shooting.
The Women’s Activities program demonstrates to women that shooting is safe, it’s fun, and provides them an opportunity to exercise their constitutional right. It increases the number of people standing together and supporting that constitutional right. The program also provides an avenue for ladies who may not have somebody to shoot with to pair up with other women that have like interests.
If you’re curious about firearms, whether for personal defense or to learn a new sport, the SCSA Women’s Activities program is the perfect place to start. We offer NRA classes at the SCSA facilities on rifle, shotgun, and pistol and we support the NRA Women on Target (WOT) program and offer WOT seminars and activities. These for women only instructional shooting clinics are designed to teach firearm safety and the fundamentals of marksmanship, giving confidence needed to safely handle and operate a firearm upon completion. For more information on WOT click the link below, and for a variety of topics on firearms use and activities click the NRA Women link.